We’re two years into the Covid-19 pandemic and for the majority of people, just mentioning it gives an immediate sense of negativity. However, with every cloud there is a silver lining. I like to think the pandemic offered several silver linings such as curbside pick-up and home deliveries. These services became a lifeline for all sorts of businesses during the pandemic. Consumers have become accustomed to these options and still utilize them although most retailers and restaurants have returned to pre-pandemic capacity and business hours. In fact, a J.D. Power survey dated March 2021 found that consumers across all generations embrace online and mobile apps for shopping and dining needs. “…there was a noticeable increase in both curbside and home delivery across all sectors.” The survey went on to point out the three key areas that differentiate online ordering and curbside pick-up/home delivery experiences.

- Ease of Use Drivers Frequency of Use – The survey found that more customers use a specific service – either delivery or pick-up. Satisfaction is driven by good user-oriented application design driving adoption.

- Timeliness and Level of Engagement – Getting orders right and fulfilled in a timely manner along with consumers having a clear idea of how the process works and status updates are high satisfaction drivers.

- Friendliness – No matter how much technology we have, courtesy and friendliness still go a long way.
Fort Smith Medical and Janitorial Supply offers a wide variety of products for just about any profession – aestheticians, chiropractic offices, eye clinics, home health, tattoo supplies, veterinarians and more. All products can easily be ordered online and delivered right to your business. Delivery options include weekly deliveries to Northwest Arkansas, Russellville, and Oklahoma. Local deliveries are made several times a week. If you have a question about a product or delivery time, give a friendly FSMJS representative a call, 800.632.7876.