Smells can evoke a sense of nostalgia or remind you of sweet memories. For example, when I smell fresh sage I can’t help but think of my grandma and how she grew her own to make the perfect Thanksgiving dressing. Yes, those are the smells that we love. However, certain smells can do just the opposite. Case in point, the second I walk into a house or building I can tell you if it has been wet or not. There is something about that musty, wet smell that I can’t seem to move past. You can see why it is so important to make sure your business has the right smell. This is particularly important for some businesses that don’t have the luxury of being the type of business that naturally has a pleasant smell like a flower shop.
In my opinion, the only thing worse than a wet, musty-smelling house is a wet, musty-smelling house trying to be disguised with a perfume room spray. The only way to win the war of foul odors is by using an enzyme-based formula. You know the saying, “fight fire with fire.”
The Airx RX 66 Bio-Enzymatic Odor Digester works great at removing smells due to its synergistic blend of specialized strains of live but safe bacteria that were specifically chosen for their ability to produce enzymes that will digest organic matter that causes the foul odor. This product’s specific make-up of good bacteria not only fights odors but also stubborn stains like urine, blood, vomit, milk, wine, and coffee by its bio-enzymatic action.
Airx RX 66 not only takes care of odors and stains, but it is affordable as well. This product is excellent for nursing homes, dog groomers, veterinarian clinics, and rental properties. Contact Fort Smith Medical & Janitorial Supply to place your order at 800.632.7876 or click here to place an order online.