Keep your employees safe and OSHA-compliant with a first aid kit. OSHA does not require a specific first aid kit for general industry but does require adequate first aid supplies be readily available. All industries are required to comply regardless of the type of work performed by the employees but the type of first aid kits vary based on risk. Offices are considered to be low risk and don’t require the same type supplies as high-risk jobs like a manufacturing facility. OSHA does not mandate the exact first aid kit, but they do require the first aid kit correspond to the hazards that can be reasonably expected to occur in the workplace.

First aid kit recommendations are:
- Conduct a risk assessment and develop a first aid kit specific to your industry reflecting the kinds of injuries that could occur.
- If any first aid training is needed to properly use the supplies, determine what kind and make available to all employees.
- Although all employees should have access to the supplies and training, it is a good idea to designate a first aid leader to manage supply inventory.
- Store the kit in an area that is readily available for emergency access.
- No matter the risk level, all employers should consider an automated external defibrillator (AED).
Often, local fire and rescue service or emergency medical professionals will come to your workplace and offer training and/or give advice to the best first aid supplies.
ANSI (The American National Standard Institute) provides a list of non-mandatory minimum requirements for workplace first aid kits. The ANSI lists are divided into two categories—Class A and Class B. The classes are decided based on the potential severity and likelihood of occurrence, the number of first aid kits needed, the physical layout of the work environment, and the remoteness of worksites to emergency services.
Class A is recommended for common workplace injuries, such as minor cuts, abrasions and sprains. This class is usually appropriate for offices, warehouses, light assembly or packaging.

Class B is recommended for high-risk environments such as industrial manufacturing, welding, woodworking, fabrication or printers.
For more information about ANSI workplace first aid kits, classes, types, and standards, check out this blog. For all your workplace first aid kit supplies, contact Fort Smith Medical and Janitorial Supply today, 800.632.7876.
Cover Photo by Mat Napo on Unsplash