Chronic pain is the result of health issues like arthritis, old sporting injuries, and many, many more causes of pain. The typical treatment for chronic pain involves medications. However, some people prefer to keep medications to a minimum and have had success by using a TENS unit. This is a transcutaneous electric new stimulation (TENS) unit.
It is a non-invasive treatment that works by delivering small electrical impulses through electrodes. These electrical impulses flood the nervous system resulting in a reduced ability to transmit pain signals to the spinal cord and brain. Medical News Today describes it as those electrical impulses stimulating the body to produce natural pain relievers and endorphins.
What types of pain can be treated with a TENS unit? Pain related to joint pain, neck and back pain, postoperative pain, menstrual cycle pain, and labor pain. Medical News Today also reported that people suffering from endometriosis, arthritis, sports injuries, multiple sclerosis, fibromyalgia, diabetic neuropathy, and spinal cord injuries have had success with TENS treatment.
Where can you get a TENS unit? A 2-channel analog TENS unit with timer can be purchased from Fort Smith Medical & Janitorial Supply. The unit comes with everything you need to begin your chronic pain treatment. In addition to the unit, you get four TENS electrodes, two lead wires, a 9V battery, carrying case and instruction manual. Fort Smith Medical & Janitorial Supply also sells the electrodes when needed. Order today for an additional method to help you manage your chronic pain.